Comet srl da più di 60 anni è presente sia nell'industria che nel commercio con i suoi prodotti di oleodinamica e termotecnica.
Costituita nel 1956 dalla passione innata per la meccanica e l’elettronica del suo fondatore Loris Busatta e poi trasmessa ai due figli.
The need for widespread technological innovation, unavailable in the market at the time, led to the filing of the company's first patents and their application that enabled its initial handicraft and subsequent industrial activity.
Founded during a period of accelerated economic expansion, the company concentrated its activity in two fields of high technology: heat engineering and hydraulics in hopes of success in a sector of the market with little competition at the time.
Nearly sixty years of experience has led to the offer of technologically advanced products with guaranteed reliability and high performance in the heat engineering and hydraulic sectors.

Adaptation of the production system in order to follow each single order separatelyCUSTOMIZATION
We find more appropriate solutions from time to time on specific customer requestsEXPERIENCE
Operiamo da più di 50 anni nel settore della termotecnica e da più di 30 anni in quello oleodinamicoOIL HYDRAULIC DIVISION PRODUCTION PROGRAM
Manual or pedal hydraulic power units
also with control, security or directional valves.Device for prefilling
with valve prepared for assembly in line or in double stage control box up to 350 1/1' for cylinders with high differential, for maximum pressure and piloting of 350 bar with decompression upon electric command and maual for emergency.Interface to fit commercial components
for command and control (valves , distributors SE - DE, pressure gauges, and so on).Hydraulic double stage power units
(low pressure with gear pump or with coniugates screws and high pressure with radial pistons pump) complete with exclusion valves groups (also with logical element), intermediate stage and maximum pressure for pressures up to 350/400 bar and outputs in b.p. up to 400/500 1/1' at 1450 r.p.m. and in a.p. up to 20/25 1/1' at 1450 r.p.m.fino a 400/500 1/1′ a 1450 g/1′ e in a.p. fino a 20/25 1/1′ a 1450 g/1′.
Small hydraulic double stage power units
(low pressure with gear pump - radial pistons pump with high pressure) complete with exclusion and intermediate stage valves further to maximum pressure valve head for pressures up to 700 bar and outputs in b.p./ up to 1450 r.p.m. and in a.p. / until 2,2 1/1' at 1450 r.p.m.Hydraulic power units for high pressures
with radial pistons fad by gear or blade pumps for pressures up to 700 bar and outputs until 20/25 1/1' with 1450 r.p.m. - also with more indipendent delivery sides.Base plates and multifunctional integrated blocks
for vertical or horizontal linkage Cetop.Valve groups with two positions
normally open with seat seal and preopening with operation by hand, electrically or pneumatically with simple effect cylinders.AIR HEATERS DIVISION POSSIBILITIES OF USE OF COMET AIR HEATERS
for gas-oil and gas burners for the following applications:
- heating of residences, offices, schools, hospitals, churches, theatres, halls for industry, commerce, handicraft and so on.
- pressure and heating of pressurestatic covers of tennis court, swimming-pools, gyms
- greenhouses (for flowers or vegetables)
- drying of forages in barns
at direct exchange for high temperatures, upon requested equipped with fans for high outputs and deliveries for each type of application2.2 at indirect exchange for high temperatures till 300°C, equipped or not with fan reverse blades for high outputs and deliveries, for textile and paper industries and so on.